Sample Job Application Cover Letter for Office Manager Position

This is one of the best Office Manager Job Application Cover Letter Samples based on Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Resume that you, as the fresh graduate or the the experience one, can use as one of the references,guidelines and recommendation when you want to write an impressive cover letter to get your inspired job. You had better try to use this sample cover letter for Office Manager since this sample cover letter for Office Manager has been proved to be very effective to guide many job seekers in getting the job they want to hunt. This cover letter for Office Manager is written in the best order from the introductory, body and the closing. Please feel free to edit and customize this Sample Job Application Letter for Office Manager. All Samples Job Application Letter for Office Manager should provide details about what the applicants can bring to the job that may set them apart from others.


Cover Letters for Office Manager Jobs

Job Application

1234, West 67 Street
Carlisle, MA 01741
Date: 1st June, 2008

Mr. Ronaldo
Hiring Manager
ABC Company
12345, Park Avenue South
New York, USA 12345

Dear Mr.Ronaldo:

I was informed that there is a vacancy in your office for the post of an Office Manager. If this is so, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the post you offered.

I am a self-motivated administration professional with exceptional interpersonal and organizational skills. I am proud of myself on my problem-solving abilities using initiative and persistence, and always maintain integrity and loyalty.

My office administration/management experience spans small and large companies in technology services, finance and publishing, and my day-to-day office duties for recent positions are similar to those in the advertised position.

I am excited by this opportunity and I believe I would be creative and energetic asset to your company. I can be contacted at 222-777.-8765. Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to your reply or calling.

Sincerely Yours,

(sign here)



1. Resume



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